
General info
Register#: SE58002/2019 Color: Sable
D.O.B: 23.10.2019 Sex: Male


Inbreeding: 0% (5gen)
AVK4: 100% (96.7% of the pedigree is known)
Show more generations: 5, 6, 7
Health result pedigree
Pictorial pedigree
Test mating with:

    SE CH

    SE14607/2016, Black

    NO CH

    NO34355/13, Black

    N24240/08, Black

    S40314/2007, Sable

    S63101/2005, Black

    N13436/06, Sable

    N04431/01, Sable

    NO SE CH

    N13590/02, Sable

    NO52084/09, Sable

    N23475/01, Black


    N09812/94, Black

    N08763/01, Sable

    NO CH

    N22643/00, Black

    N29159/94, Black

    C.I.B NO SE CH

    N14914/92, Sable

    SE51999/2012, Sable

    C.I.B NORD CH, FIW-09…

    S50507/2007, Sable

    NO DK CH NOW-03

    N13677/98, Sable

    N15289/94, Sable

    N22729/95, Sable

    S27418/2001, Sable

    SE CH

    S16431/93, Sable

    N39064/92, Sable

    S45506/2009, Sable

    N24098/03, Sable

    NO SE CH

    N20717/99, Sable

    S52791/2006, Sable

    S32153/2002, Sable

    N09560/99, Sable