
General info
Register#: SE56218/2011 Color: Sable
D.O.B: 05.10.2011 Sex: Male


Inbreeding: 4.69% (5gen)
AVK4: 90% (100% of the pedigree is known)
Show more generations: 5, 6, 7
Health result pedigree
Pictorial pedigree
Test mating with:

    SE CH

    S36968/2007, Sable

    SE NO CH

    N21803/00, Sable

    N15289/94, Sable

    NO SE CH

    N14913/92, Sable

    N37559/91, Sable

    NO CH

    KCAD0900472, Sable

    SE CH

    S65898/84, Sable

    NO SE CH

    N08162/94, Sable

    SE CH

    S60799/2004, Sable

    SE CH

    S53575/97, Sable

    INT NORD CH EUW-97-99…

    S44380/93, Sable

    SE CH

    S36991/93, Sable

    SE CH

    S60690/2002, Sable

    SE UCH

    S15950/93, Sable

    S27418/2001, Sable

    S15570/2008, Sable

    SEW-07 SE CH

    S60694/2002, Sable

    SE UCH

    S15950/93, Sable

    SE CH

    S48744/84, Sable

    SE CH

    S12229/90, Sable

    S27418/2001, Sable

    SE CH

    S16431/93, Sable

    N39064/92, Sable

    NORD FI CH EUJW-06 JWW-06…

    N19565/05, Sable

    NO CH NOW-96

    N11484/95, Sable

    SE NO CH SEW-92-93

    S31461/90, Sable

    N37559/91, Sable


    N19210/00, Sable

    NO CH

    N13676/98, Sable

    C.I.B NORD CH NORDV-98-99…

    N10040/97, Sable