Welcome to BuhundWeb

BuhundWeb is an international Norwegian Buhund pedigree database.

The most recent dog in the database is: Kajsa


The registering and logging in features are not yet available.
When you register, you gain access to many different tools. For example: You can add dogs, add favourites, and if you register as an owner, you can even add private or public notes to the dogs you own.


BuhundWeb welcomes users and buhunds from all the countries in the world.
Happy browsing!


BuWeb is still in the testing phase. Please send reports of anything that looks wonky or does not work the way you think it is supposed to work.
Let's make BuDB even better, together!


Behind the project

I am a Finnish buhund breeder and photographer
I have kept a personal buhund database since 2004, which was also the year I first shared pedigrees online.
My other sites:
